Miriam Sherk is a board-certified music therapist, clinical mental health counselor and founder of Ann Arbor Music Therapy, LLC. She received her Bachelor of Music Degree from Blair School of Music at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN and her Master of Music Therapy Degree with a focus in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Temple University in Philadelphia, PA.

Miriam practices within a trauma-informed and strength-based model of music therapy and counseling, using evidence-based music therapy and psychotherapy techniques to guide clients to engage in successful and growth oriented experiences to enhance communication, emotional expression, find space for connection and sustainable well-being.

Miriam assists clients of all ages and abilities, including children, adolescents and adults with mental health needs, autism, developmental disabilities and dementia in reaching their fullest potential through music. Miriam has enjoyed a broad focus of practice providing music therapy services in schools, inpatient and outpatient mental health clinics, community behavioral health programs, memory care units, assisted living facilities, home-based hospice care, and within the private practice setting.

Miriam lives in Ann Arbor with her husband, son and daughter. She enjoys being outdoors with her family, practicing daily mindfulness and meditation and playing the bassoon with the University of Michigan Life Sciences Orchestra.